Lesson 43

Ok, it’s starting to get pretty complex! As best as I can understand it at the moment, a class is a a sort of super structure that can be used more flexibly than can a simple function, that other variables and structures can be flexibly swapped in and out of. I am fairly lost on a good amount of the syntax, like the __init__ and the self.name = name, to name a few. But I’ve decided to go ahead and start copying in the code for this exercise, though I don’t entirely understand it yet. Evidently it always takes a long time to really grok OOP. So that’s ok.

Some things I notice: The classes call a generic object seem to be hierarchically above others, e.g. class Scene(object) (rather than class Death(Scene) which calls Scene()). I don’t know if this is important or not, but it is how Zed’s exercise is going.

And at this point, I’ve pushed through, even not being totally sure of what I’m doing, and punched in all the code, learning snippets here and there, and I’ve checked it all over, and it doesn’t run. I am frustrated. I have read the last few exercises several times where he has started discussing classes and object-oriented programming, and I’m really not getting the hang of it. Someone told me, when I shared that I was trying to start learning what the meat and potatoes of modern programming, OOP, really is, that it took learning another language before he really grokked what the deal was. Barring that, I just keep trying to read about it. I know I can get it, but I don’t have it right now, and I can’t finish this lesson of LPTHW, and I’m frustrated. So I shall move on and try to come back later.